KEY2Life supports people in need in South Tyneside. Our ability to help depends on your donations and we are continually amazed at the level of your generosity. We are a partnership between KEY and Churches Together South Tyneside

Our team of 35 dedicated volunteers, led by an employed Team Leader, welcome people, offer support, sort and pack food parcels and collect donations around the community

Our emergency food parcels contain enough food for up to 3 days plus toiletries and other household items. We have seen a 310% increase in the number of referrals and are regularly feeding over a thousand people every month as a direct result of the coronavirus pandemic. We provide holiday food packs and craft activities for children during school holidays

Pre loved School uniform is available year round and can be accessed by contacting the foodbank

Donate to supermarket donation points. These are located in Sainsburys Prince Edward Road, Lidl, Co op South Shields and Whitburn

Host a food collection at your school, church, or business

How You Can Help

Drop-off urgently needed food items direct to KEY2Life

Boldon Lane Library, NE34 0LZ

Open 10am-4pm Mon to Fri

Contact : 07833 613393

By cheque – please make payable to ‘South Tyneside Churches KEY Project’ and post to KEY Project, 116 Baring Street, South Shields, NE33 2BA

By BACS – please transfer to ‘South Tyneside Churches KEY Project’ at Unity Trust Bank, Sort code: 60-83-01, Account no: 2007181