September 6th - A new life-saving defibrillator has been installed at St. Peter’s Church The Parish of Jarrow and Simonside thanks to a collaboration between the Red Sky Foundation and Jarrow’s Women’s Institute Tyne and Wear South Federation of WI's
August 27th & Sept 1st - Huge congratulations to the Revd David Cleugh who was licensed as Priest in Charge of St Cuthbert and St Oswald Parish, Hebburn by Bishop Sarah on Sunday. A warm welcome with a celebration cake, depicting St.Cuthert and St.Oswald's Churches, was given to our new Priest in Charge, Fr David Cleugh. He did a good job of cutting equal size pieces, which soon left an empty cake board.


June 22nd - More than 60,000 people from Wildlife Trusts, and over 350 charities, businesses and action groups gathered to march through central London to parliament. They had one simple but powerful message to all the UK's political parties – that they must Restore Nature Now. One of these groups included local members from Christian Climate Action NE

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May 21st - A fantastic day at St. Paul’s with a special Thanksgiving Service for The Venerable Bede with Bishop Sarah. Thank you to all our volunteers who helped today and everyone representing local schools and organisations.
May 25th - Afternoon Holy Communion Service in the Galilee Chapel, Durham Cathedral - in celecbration of the Feast of St Bede